
Fire emblem warriors characters roster
Fire emblem warriors characters roster

  1. #Fire emblem warriors characters roster skin#
  2. #Fire emblem warriors characters roster full#

While wise and clever, she is aware of her own faults and would rather have her younger sibling inherit the throne. The royal princess of Aytolis and Rowan's older twin sister. "You're about to see how a princess fights!" He can also wield Facinna, although that sword is more heavily associated with his sister.

  • Weapon of Choice: He gains the Enliron, a relic of the divine dragon who protected Aytolis eons ago, at the end of Chapter 15.
  • He doesn't even believe in this trope, as he saw his father falling ill due to what Rowan believed to be the stress of being king.
  • Warrior Prince: Though he would rather just be the "warrior" part and let Lianna be the true ruler.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: The brash, hot-blooded red oni to Lianna's wise, level-headed blue oni.
  • Not So Similar: Despite sharing some attacks with his older twin sister, his other attacks are different, emphasizing a fast, powerful playstyle.
  • #Fire emblem warriors characters roster full#

  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: His and Lianna's refusal to kill Darios at the end of Chapter 18 leads to Velezark's full revival.
  • Male Might, Female Finesse: With his sister: Despite sharing some attacks, Rowan's fighting style is a lot more aggressive and in-your-face than Lianna's.
  • Magic Staff: Able to use staves to heal others, like how staves work in the mainline Fire Emblem games.
  • Light 'em Up: His main element is Light, which is channeled through his more powerful attacks.
  • fire emblem warriors characters roster

  • Leeroy Jenkins: His preferred method of dealing with the enemy is to charge in with brute strength head-on, and ask questions later.
  • Eventually becomes more of a Lightning Bruiser rivaling Chrom but having higher Magic and Resistance although the former isn't really wanted when compared to the much higher Strength stat. Compared to his twin sister, he trades in Magic and Resistance for higher stats everywhere else.
  • Jack-of-All-Stats: His stats are generally balanced.
  • Innocently Insensitive: Many of his supports see him insulting others either for their lack of battle skill or their indirect approach to combat, including his late father, though it mainly stems from his over-reliance on brute strength.
  • For Rowan, whose biggest desire is to protect people and especially his loved ones, such a thing would be a Fate Worse than Death. Rowan and Lianna's father, the late King of Aytolis, was an Ill Boy who died very young, and his son came to believe that ruling a kingdom will weaken a warrior and leave him/her unable to protect anything.
  • Hidden Depths: His support with Xander reveals his actual reason for not wanting the Crown of Aytolis.
  • Friendly Rivalry: Develops one with Takumi in their shared support.
  • Both are in line to inherit their kingdom's throne, but while Rowan has almost no regard for his role as royalty and is overconfident in his fighting ability, Lianna is greatly concerned with who inherits the throne and has little faith in her capacity for leadership.
  • Expy: He's remarkably similar to Ephraim from The Sacred Stones, as he is the male in a pair of twin royals who prefers fighting to diplomacy.
  • Dumb Muscle: Prefers to leave the strategising to the tacticians while he charges head-on with brute force.
  • This marks the only chapter where neither sibling is playable.
  • Distress Ball: Is hit by this in Chapter 7 when he falls ill with the same disease Takumi and Elise contract in Birthright and Conquest respectively.
  • He can technically also wield the Facinna, but the Enliron is more strongly associated with him.

    fire emblem warriors characters roster

    Cool Sword: The Enliron, one of the blades created by the Divine Dragon from two of her sharpest fangs.Combat Medic: Attacks with swords, heals with staves, though he can use potions effectively thanks to his Potent Potion skill healing his allies in an area.Blood Knight: He loves to fight, and his battle intro has him state outright that he craves a challenge.

    #Fire emblem warriors characters roster skin#

    Bling of War: Rowan's Golden Prince skin is essentially this.Big Little Brother: He is slightly taller (and heavier, according to Lianna) than his older sister Lianna.which turn out to be quite gross, courtesy of Lissa making them. Big Eater: Played for Laughs in his and Lianna's support, where he eats some cookies given to his sister.And Your Reward Is Clothes: Reobtaining the Shield of Flames in Story Mode unlocks altered costumes of Rowan's Lord and Great Lord costumes that have said shield on his arm.His Weapon of Choice is the sword, and he utilizes the classic styles of Aytolis and its fellow kingdom Gristonne. Encourages his sister to become queen so he doesn't have to be king. Prefers to lead from the front lines of battle and wants to become a knight, though he can be very brash. The crown prince of the Kingdom of Aytolis and Lianna's little twin brother.

    Fire emblem warriors characters roster